Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Rabbit-Proof Fence (2002)

This film is incredibly intense. It is the story of three little girls that live with an identity dilemma; they are half-caste aboriginal girls that are captured by Mr. Neville, “chief protector” of the aborigine in the State of Western Australia, to be culturalized. 
What I think spoke to me the most about this historical event, is the fact that the White settlers truly believed that they where doing good for those “half-cast” children; that it was a good thing to get rid of that half-cast “new race”. They would do this by culturalizing half-cast children and incorporate them into the White culture and eventually by the fourth generation, their heritage would be “White” and they would become a “clean” race. The film shows the struggle that they go through to go back home. The invasion of the aboriginal lands by White settlers was a very traumatic experience for the natives.

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